Monday, October 5, 2015

Second Trimester - Pregnancy

I am on my Second Trimester now, goodbye morning sickness! They say this period of your pregnancy is the time for baby mooning, time for some fun and bonding with your hubby's. But not in my case :( We always stay at home and we just bond here all the time. Good thing both of us are "Homebody" so we don't complain much! We just watch movies, eat, talk about plans with our growing family, surfing the net and blogging is our way of bonding together.  That's what we do when my husband was still here. He is supposed to leave abroad last June 2015 but due to unforeseen reasons his flight was delayed for few months and this became a blessing in disguise because he still witness and was there for me until halfway of my pregnancy. We shared the joy and challenges of my pregnancy.

Prenatal Check-Up on my 16th Week

We asked our OB-Gyn to undergo with check up on 14 September 2015 because my husband is very excited to see our little baby and of course mommy too. He wants to see our baby before his nearing schedule of departure abroad. We were told before by our OB that she could make a peek of the gender of our baby, but its not yet 100% definite.

I am ready for the next ultrasound and there we saw our little baby who is growing bigger and bigger. This time, he knows how to suck his thumb, still very active kicking, waving and maybe dancing inside my tummy. :) My husband and I were so captivated and overjoyed. We then asked our OB if she could see now the gender, and she said, Yes! But, she told us that she always make 3 determinations before she could assure us the definite sex. I get so excited and i asked her right away, she then replied... I think your having a baby girl! OMG! :) We were in shocked because my husband and I were expecting for a baby boy! :) My husband is so quite but still smiling that time. He then told my OB that well never know yet right Doc? :) My OB agrees on him with a smile, she told me that will try to check again on my next check-up. Outside the ultrasound room, i asked him if what is his reaction to earlier surprise, he just smiled! He said that if will be having a baby girl, he will make sure to spoil our little girl and will give and provide everything to her. He said if its a boy, he will treat our baby as his little buddy and will go bond with him like what friends do! I know that he is so happy, whether its a girl or a boy; what we always pray is that our baby will be safe, normal, healthy and beautiful baby. I know in my heart that my husband and I will be a great and good parents. We will give all the love and support for our baby. Whatever it takes, for our baby! We are so excited to become parents!:)

Say hello to our baby! :)

16 Weeks baby :)

My Prenatal Vitamins on my Second Trimester is same on my First Trimester just click on my previous post First Trimester - Pregnancy for your reference. I am looking forward to my next Prenatal Check up and i am excited to check the 2nd determination of my OB on my baby's gender.

More stories to be continued...

Have a happy day, Mommies! :)

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