Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It's a Girl! -Pregnancy

20 Weeks Pregnant

I am on my 20 weeks of pregnancy, time flies so fast can you believe i'm halfway done already? :)
I was able to feel my baby's kick for the first time.. If i remember it right, fetal movement started on my 19 weeks and it was during night time.. I thought i was just hungry but the feeling is different. I felt flutters and its so amazing and can't explain the feeling that there is someone kicking inside my tummy... God is so awesome! He is indeed a miracle maker.

Fourth Prenatal Check-up

Last 12 October 2015, 4 weeks after my last check-up i had my 4th appointment with my OB-Gyn. This time it was different. I'm a bit scared because my husband was not there to guide and accompany me. He left last 24 Sept 2015, saddest day of my life, i am super emotional that time i almost cried every night for a week, but i had to be strong because i don't want my baby to suffer too. Going back, I was with my helper, she accompanied and escorted me going to the clinic. We arrived early and i am the first patient that time. When my OB arrived, she then instructed me to enter the Ultrasound room where i asked her if my helper could go with me inside to take the videos and she said yes..

Before we started the ultrasound, we had a little talk with my OB-GYN  about my pregnancy and how i am coping and feeling since my husband is away, blah blah blah... :)

She then put a gel on my tummy and started the procedure, there i saw my baby again.. My baby's getting bigger and was sleeping the whole time.. Perhaps my baby is just too tired because i was not able to sleep well the night before my check-up. Without any warning my OB-gyn just told me, you're really having a "Girl"... Whoaahhh! I was shocked and filled with surprised! On my previous check up, my OB told me that she only confirms the gender on the 3rd determination but we were only on the second try but she was undoubtedly sure of the gender this time. She was so certain about it and i trust her! :) I am already expecting a baby girl since the last time but i just wanted to be sure of it. Now, its really affirmative! I am excited to share the good news with my husband. :)

Hello there my Baby Girl :)

20 weeks bump!

He called up late afternoon and was asking if what was happened during ultrasound. I was so happy and thrilled to tell him the good news! We are having a baby Girl, Daddy! I can tell that he is so happy though the signal is not so good that time as he's just using a satellite phone. He then repeatedly said, a baby girl, are you sure this time? And i said yes, its a baby girl! *Lol* He was so happy and he said he's going to spoil our little girl when she grows up. I know he will be a good, loving and supportive father to our baby. I am so happy and grateful to God for this wonderful blessing! We are so excited for our growing family :)

God bless us all!

Have a good day, Mommies!

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