Monday, November 23, 2015

Pregnancy Feel Good TV Series

I have been always at home during my pregnancy period. If i am bored, i would just download my favorite series to watch during spare time. I have been watching a lot of foreign TV series such as, The Flash, Arrow, Once Upon a Time, Devious Maids, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead and recently I've been hooked with the Game of Thrones. I finished the whole season just for a week. It was addicting, I swear! I know i shouldn't watch such intense and barbarous series but i really enjoyed it, not the cruel scenes but the story itself. My husband has been telling me to watch this series ever since, but i decided not to, because i don't like brutal kind of movies, anything about kingdoms, dynasty and medieval eras, i find it boring! ;) Good thing i changed my mind! :)

Feel Good TV Series

For Soon to be Moms out there, if you like a feel good series to watch i would recommend this favorite TV series named, Jane the Virgin. This is an American romantic comedy-drama TV series you can watch at The CW. The series star Gina Rodriguez as Jane Villanueva, a working , religious young Latina virgin, who becomes pregnant after being artificially inseminated by mistake. Watching this series makes me laugh all the time. I like all the casts. They are all very good actors and actresses. They really portrait their characters very well. The first season of this series, consist of 22 episodes. The whole season focuses on the life of Jane how she's being torn between his two lovers Matt and Rafael, and her experiences being a pregnant woman. How she cope up and surpassed all the challenges that came along in her life but of course with the help of her families and loved ones. At the end of the season, she already gave birth to her son, Mateo which is now the exciting part!  Now, i am on the second season and looking forward on the latest episode. What i really like about this series is not only the fun and laughter it gives me but also it helps me and gives me ideas and tips on being a first time mom. Surely this feel good series will brighten up your day and will make you smile. Think happy thoughts always my dear mommies, so our baby in our tummy will feel happy too. 

Photo Credit:

Try to watch this series my co-preggos and let me know what your thoughts about it. :)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Acne-Aid Cleansing Bar - Review

I have been using this product more than 2 weeks now. I find it very nice and it cleanses my skin thoroughly and gently. My OB-Gyn mentioned this before since i am complaining to her about my pimples. I think my raging hormones is not yet over! ;) After purchasing my second facial cleanser from VMV Hypoallergenic, which i find very expensive, i decided to purchase and try this Acne Aid Cleansing Bar and i find it very effective and really cure's acne. You can purchase this product in Mercury Drug Stores. I bought this for Php 207 much cheaper than the previous cleanser i am using. So far, my pimples cleared up. I just had few marks and this product really minimizes my pimples. Indeed, a solution to my problem. :)

What i like about this product:
  • Fragrance free, very mild cleansing bar.
  • Safe for pregnant women.
  • Minimizes my pimples.
  • Also helps in lightening my pimple marks.
  • Non drying, perfect for my oily skin.
  • Affordable 
  • Recommended by dermatologist worldwide

What i don't like about this product:
  • It melts very fast.
  • Hope they could change the soap shaped into square so i can easily cut into half for practicality. ;) 

I will definitely re-purchase this product since i find it very good in my skin. I just hope that it will continue to bring delight and pleasing appearance on my skin especially on my face. :) As always, prior buying products for you my co-preggos, make sure to consult the experts opinion.

Have a Happy Day, Mommies!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

24 Weeks - Pregnancy

I am on my 24th week already, Hooray! Few more weeks to go and i will be holding my little bundle of joy. I can't wait for that day to happen. Maybe, some of us are a little bit worried and distressed when our due date is getting nearer and nearer especially to those first-time mom's like me. I admit, me too is a little bit afraid and that is normal. Just think on the bright side and be positive, always! Tell your self all the time that you can do it! This responsibility will not be given to you if God thinks you can't do it. Don't overthink, enjoy the rest of your pregnancy period, communicate with your baby as she for sure could hear your beautiful voices. Just relax and everything will be alright. ;)

24 Weeks Bump

Pre-Natal Check up...

I just had my check up yesterday, 11 Nov 2015. It was my 5th appointment already. And guess what? My baby girl is growing and getting bigger. Her size doubled (with extra) from her previous weight/scan. My Ob Gyn was laughing and telling me what did i eat for the past 4 weeks?! *Lol* But she said it was just normal since the baby is trying to reach her normal weight gain and it was during 2nd trimester the baby gets bigger faster. Baby was awake during my ultrasound and she was so active. I eat small snack before my scan so that baby will be awake. She's the cutest! She was kicking, punching, playing around inside my tummy. Knowing that my baby girl is healthy, strong and take note, Heavy *lol* makes me happy and feel relieved. I know a lot of moms can relate with me. We always want our baby to be safe and happy. Sometimes we get so paranoid of what is she doing or is she okay in our tummy, so every time i have my prenatal check -up, that's where i reassured myself that i am doing a great job. I am so happy to share this good news with my husband. :)

Tetanus Toxiod Vaccination...

After my ultrasound, my OB-Gyn also vaccinated me with Tetanus Toxiod (TT), a safe vaccine given to a pregnant woman to prevent the risk of tetanus to you as well as your unborn baby. According to my research, Tetanus is life-threatening bacterial disease that is caused by the toxin of bacterium called Clostridium tetani. Tetanus bacteria enter the body through an open wound. Also tetanus infection is more common when there is a deep puncture wound such as bite, it may be caused by a tiny prick or scratch on the skin. 

This vaccine should be given in two doses,  my first shot is due on my 24th week (was given 11-11-15) and the next dose will be given on my 32 weeks(01-04-16). It is given through intramuscular shot and you will feel slight heaviness in your forearm, just do hot compress at home afterwards. So, mommies out there, make sure you had your shot already prior birthing. Better be safe than sorry. :)

Until here Mommies, will share you next time my pregnancy stories... 

Have a Happy Day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kangkong and Tofu Stir Fry Recipe

Hi Mommies!

It's Cooking time... Today, i will share another simple and very nutritious recipe. Kangkong and Tofu Stir Fry. For my co-preggos out there, if you want a healthy and budget friendly recipe you can try this at home. Just follow this easy steps:


1 bunch of Kangkong or Water Spinach, Cleaned and chopped.
1 small pack of extra firm tofu
3-4 pieces of red chilis, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium white onion, sliced
3-4 tbsp oyster sauce
ground black pepper
1/4 cup cooking oil
1/2 cup water if needed
salt to taste


Heat cooking oil in a pan and fry tofu until medium brown.
Remove tofu from the pan and let it cool. slice the tofu into small cubes and set aside.
On the same pan. remove excess oil until about 1 tbsp of oil is left.
Heat oil, and saute the garlic and onion for 2 minutes.
Put in sliced tofu and cook for 3 minutes.
Add oyster sauce and ground black pepper, stir.
You may add 1/2 cup water and simmer
Put in kangkong. Stir fry for 5 minutes.
Add salt to taste and then put in chilies. Serve hot and Voila!

Kangkong and Tofu Stir Fry Recipe - @julianskitchen

Note: Mommies, you can also estimate the exact ingredients depending upon your desired number of servings and your taste too. :)

Let me know what you think...

Happy Cooking Mommies!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

My Pregnancy Checklist

Soon to be Mom's need to have checklist or a guide for the preparation of their D-Day. We need to list down all the things and must be done prior delivery so we wont forget a thing. During pregnancy one of the symptoms you may experience if being forgetful. A guide or a list is a must have for you not to miss a single thing. Better be prepared and ready than blaming yourself in the end. Planning ahead is really important not just only for birthing but also for every aspects of our life.

Photo Credit: Photo Credit:

Must be done prior delivery...
  • Prenatal Check-ups -  I ensure that i have been coordinated with my OB-Gyn of my monthly scheduled check-up. Monitoring your baby is really important. We want to make sure that she/he is a healthy and a strong baby. 
  • Sugar Test or Glucose Challenge Test - done between 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy to check for gestational diabetes. I am on my 24th week this coming Monday and i have been preparing for this procedure already. My OB-Gyn advice me to have a healthy diet a week before i take the test. So Mommies, prior taking this test make sure to avoid and lessen your sugar intake. 
  • Filing my SSS Maternity Notification - Since i am not employed i need to file my SSS Maternity Notification on my own. I have been planning to file this ever since i discovered I'm pregnant but i didn't have time. I just made an online notification instead. I know that this is also very important. I make sure that my SSS is still active for me to claim my maternity benefits in the future.
  • 4D Scans/Ultrasound - this tests is really optional. If you do have a budget you can avail this test. I believe this is quite expensive but since i am a first time mom i am very much excited and been planning to have a 4D scan. Every Mom is curious on what their baby's look like right? ;)I am planning to take this test on my 28th week to acquire the best facial image of my little one. I have also researched the best 4D clinic in advance. You must consider the quality, services and pricing of a clinic you're planning to have a scan.
  • Shopping for Baby's Stuff - I wanted to make sure of the gender of my baby so i need to have 4D scans prior purchasing stuffs for her. We don't know, maybe my OB-Gyn is wrong about the gender of my baby so i wanted to make sure of it prior buying stuffs. Anybody can commit mistakes so better be prepared of this unforeseen situation. You might be surprise your really having a boy instead of a girl right? :) Make sure you wont splurge in buying stuffs, and promise to control yourself co'z I'm pretty sure the moment you see those cutie little things for your baby you would end up buying stuffs that you wont notice your baby wont be needing it at all. Focus on what's important and needed for your baby. Make a list prior shopping and stick to your budget.
  • Hospital Visit/ Ocular Inspection - I am also planning to have a visit at  Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Manila. This is where i am going to give birth. I want to make sure that all their facilities where okay especially their rooms. We wanted to have a smooth delivery so you must be aware of the place where you planned to give birth so wont get lost and panic on your D-Day.
  • Prepare your Phil health and SSS Forms- You will be needing this forms in the hospital so make sure you have this with you during D-Day. 

That sums up my to-do lists. Mommies, being organized and prepared is a good thing. Prevent the hassle and rush during the important day of your life. Also, you need to relax, focus and eat healthy and right for your baby. The new chapter of your life is waiting for you and for sure it will be more fun and adventure! 

Have a Happy Day Mommies!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fish Steak Recipe

Hi Mommies!

It's been a while since my last post. I have been very busy these past few days. :) Anyway, today i will share a recipe that is easy to prepare. This is the Fish version of Beef Steak. I used Bangus or Milkfish for my steak, a national fish in the Philippines. You should try this recipe and for sure you'll be eating plenty of rice so make sure you control yourself. ;) Here it is...


1 Pc Big Milkfish (cut into half)
1 Medium White Onion, sliced
Juice of Calamansi or Lemon
4 Cloves of Garlic
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
1/4 cup Waer
1/2 cup cooking Oil
Celery or Parsley for Garnish


Heat oil in a pan and saute the Milkfish until medium brown.
Remove the fish from the pan and drain excess oil.
On the same pan, discard most of used cooking oil leaving around 1 tablespoon of oil.
Saute the garlic until it turns light brown.
Pour the soy sauce, water and calamansi or lemon juice, stir.
Add the fried fish. Cover and cook for 3 minutes.
Add the onion, salt and pepper. Stir and cover for 5 minutes. You may add water if needed.
Transfer to a serving plate and topped with celery or parsley and Voila!

Note: Mommies, you can also estimate the exact ingredients depending upon your desired number of servings and your taste too. :)

Let me know what you think...

Happy Cooking Mommies!