Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Perks of Being Pregnant!

When you're pregnant, all the attention is given to you. Your spouse is more extra loving and wants to give all the love and affection he could provide to make you happy. He is more careful and thoughtful and will asks you every time if you are feeling okay, what are the things that make you uncomfortable, will guard you and protect you always. My husband is more cautious and always on the lookout.

He would cook for me, do all the house chores and even laundry, did the groceries and buy stuffs for me. And that amazed me! :) He is more sweeter though there are times when he gets tired he gets mad also. Which i understand because my husband is not used to do all the chores. He is not happy with what he is doing  (just the chores; he is more on the techie side) but still , he did because he loves me and he doesn't want me to get my hands off dirty and don't want to risk my pregnancy. We already learned from our mistakes on my first failed pregnancy. This time he is more focused on my safety and my baby too.

Delicate pregnancy is tough, you need to be extra careful and listen to your body as well. You need to communicate with your baby too. You will need the care and support of your spouse really. Appreciate him in all things. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy.  Have faith and always pray for guidance and be grateful to God. We are so thankful for Him for giving us another chance to become parents. :)

This is why i I love being pregnant! Thank you and I love you so much daddy, Anvin!  :)

Have a good day everyone!

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