Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Perks of Being Pregnant!

When you're pregnant, all the attention is given to you. Your spouse is more extra loving and wants to give all the love and affection he could provide to make you happy. He is more careful and thoughtful and will asks you every time if you are feeling okay, what are the things that make you uncomfortable, will guard you and protect you always. My husband is more cautious and always on the lookout.

He would cook for me, do all the house chores and even laundry, did the groceries and buy stuffs for me. And that amazed me! :) He is more sweeter though there are times when he gets tired he gets mad also. Which i understand because my husband is not used to do all the chores. He is not happy with what he is doing  (just the chores; he is more on the techie side) but still , he did because he loves me and he doesn't want me to get my hands off dirty and don't want to risk my pregnancy. We already learned from our mistakes on my first failed pregnancy. This time he is more focused on my safety and my baby too.

Delicate pregnancy is tough, you need to be extra careful and listen to your body as well. You need to communicate with your baby too. You will need the care and support of your spouse really. Appreciate him in all things. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy.  Have faith and always pray for guidance and be grateful to God. We are so thankful for Him for giving us another chance to become parents. :)

This is why i I love being pregnant! Thank you and I love you so much daddy, Anvin!  :)

Have a good day everyone!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blame it to the HORMONES!

Every pregnant woman suffers different problems to battle during their pregnancy period whether loss of appetite, morning sickness/nausea, being emotional, having sleep problems and more.  In my case, the only problem i am battling now is the breakouts! :( Blame it to the hormones! From the moment i learned that i was pregnant i stopped using my daily beauty regimen,  week after week I was not happy with my face anymore. I don't even want to look at the mirror because its getting worst. Its just like i am back to my puberty stage where pimples are my greatest enemy. :) My husband would always say, that it is okay you are still beautiful in my eyes, your the prettiest all the praises just to comfort me and for me to feel good about myself.

I want to do something about myself, i need to regain my self confidence. I did research products that is safe to use in my face to battle this dilemma i have been suffering. I read in one of the online magazine site Smart Parenting the lists of safe cosmetics brands to use while pregnant and what ingredients to avoid for baby' safety.

Here it is: Cosmetics Brand that are safe for pregnant women and ingredients to avoid

After doing a lot of research, i have decided to try  Human Heart Nature products since its all natural, economical and  perfectly safe for pregnant women but of course you need to consult your OB for approval prior using anything to your skin if you don't want to harm your baby. Ask the expert always!

HHN Products 
Sunflower Beauty Oil 
Nourishing Facial Wash 
100% Natural Fragrance-Free Cleansing Bar 
Natural Clarifying Shampoo 
 Lip Balms Peppermint
 Natural Healthy Lotion Berry Bliss 

I am no expert! But here's my critic: 

I love all the products i purchased from HHN however i have a problems with the fragrances. Except for the cleansing bar that has no scent. I let my husband use the cleansing bar because it makes my skin more dry. I didn't continue using the facial wash and lotion because of fragrances. Nourishing facial wash makes my face more prone to pimples.  Lip balm and clarifying shampoo has mild scent and its quite okay. The sunflower oil is really my favorite among all because it has no scent and i use it to moisturize my tummy. Its helps to prevent stretchmarks too. Some women who tried these products has good outcome on their skin i am just the unlucky one. Maybe its just my skin or just Hormones! So my quest for the perfect facial cleanser is still on going. But....

Here's what i did to overcome this dilemma...

First, you need to face the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful. You need to feel it and believe in it. Remember that your carrying a blessing from God. By this, you will feel good inside and outside. Pregnancy glow will just come along way. Eat only healthy foods and avoid the the unhealthy ones. Get you mobile phones/ipad/laptops and do research about do's and don'ts about pregnancy. Get enough rest, exercise (ask your OB about approved exercises), be happy and you'll be fine eventually. :) Right now, i don't mind the changes in  my face, skin and my figure. I just love who i am now. I love being pregnant. And of course, thank you to my husband who helped me regain my self confidence for taking care of me and for loving me, always! :)

More stories will be posted soon. Have a nice day! :)

Sources: Smart ParentingHuman Heart Nature

First Trimester - Pregnancy

Pregnancy during First Trimester is very challenging. There is what you called the ups and downs. It just like your on a roller coaster ride. One day your fine, the next day your not. They say every woman may experience different symptoms. In my case, I knew then that i was pregnant because i just sense and felt it. The feeling of hunger, fatigue, constipation, peeing a lot and how can i forget the swollen/tender breasts.. :) That sums up all my early pregnancy symptoms. But it doesn't just end there. Present also are food aversions, heightened emotions and headaches from time to time. I had my morning sickness/nausea when I was 10 weeks pregnant that lasted for almost 2 weeks. After eating breakfast and especially during brushing teeth i would throw up. (Yuck) This is the disgusting and the worst part. I felt so weak  after throwing up that i would just lie down to sleep. Good thing, my husband is always there for me to witness and experience every moment of my pregnancy. He pacifies and comforts me all the time.

Time for PreNatal Check-up!

I had my first Prenatal Check -up when i was 7 weeks pregnant (13 July 2015) at the Bioscopic Diagnostic Laboratory at P. Sanchez, Sta. Mesa Manila (right in front of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital) with my OB-Gyn Manbee Gene G. Granada. We have been waiting for this day! We were so excited to meet our little one. My husband accompanied me inside the ultrasound room and there we finally saw our beautiful little baby with heartbeat already. :)  My heart beats faster as well, i was so happy and smiling I'm so thrilled and cant wait to see and hold my baby. My husband feels the same way. We were just so blessed. The best feeling ever! I am indeed a Mom! :) Thank you Lord! After my Trans-vaginal Ultrasound ( a small transducer that is placed into vagina to check the pregnancy Php 600), my OB prescribed my vitamins/supplements and some laboratory tests that is due for my next check-up. See below:

Our First Family Photo :)

1. Anmum Materna - once a day ( Morning)  Php 698 for 800g
2. OB Max Multivitamins - once a day whole 1st Trimester (right after breakfast) Php 8.50 per tab
3. Hemarate - once a day for the whole 1st Trimester (after dinner) Php 22.00 per tab

Laboratory Tests (tests were done a week after my first check-up)
1. CBC and Blood Typing
2. Urinalysis
3. HBSag

We came back to the clinic, 17 August 2015 for my second check up, exactly my 12 weeks and the end of my first trimester. :) My OB showed me the results of my laboratory tests and thanked God it was all fine. I am ready for the ultrasound and excited to see my baby again. This time she did the Pelvic Ultrasound (Php 500) it is a painless exam that uses sound waves to check a pregnancy. A gel will be spread on your belly and the transducer will be moved acrossed your belly to be able to see your baby's image on the screen.  We were shocked because we saw our baby again and this time shes/hes no longer a tiny little bud. My baby grows bigger this time and looks like a baby now. She/He is waving and kicking inside my tummy and  almost done developing body parts. My husband who is taking video were so happy i can see it in his face. The joy i felt was overflowing it was really pure happiness. I am more excited to see my baby soon.  I will take good care of my baby, protect, guide, and love him/her unconditionally. I promise and will do my very best to become a good mother to my baby but of course with the help of my husband.

We are excited soon to be Parents! :) Say hello to our baby! :)

12 weeks baby :)

Thanks again for dropping by. I promise to share more stories with you guys.  Have a nice day! :)

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Beautiful Blessing

Last January 15, 2015 marked the most important day of my life. I was married to the man of my dreams. We were so excited to start our own family then. We planned to have a baby right away since he is away all the time for his work. God is so good because he grant and heard all our prayers and that is to have a baby. I was pregnant March 2015 and that was the happiest moment of our lives. But sadly, i lost my baby. The joy that we experienced for a brief period just ceased to exist. I was so sad i almost cry a river. But my husband didn't leave my side. He comforts me and tells me that everything will be fine and that God has a purpose and a reason for all things happened. This heartbreaking moment of my life doesn't make me doubt God because my husband is right all along. I didn't lose faith. I didn't blame Him instead i prayed and prayed harder. Little by little i was back to my own self and focus on our main goal. And that is to try again. :) I wanted to have a baby!

Few months after, I received a good news. A "Blessing from God" June 21, 2015 (Father's Day) I woke up early morning and excited to take a Pregnancy Test. The days before that i really had a feeling that there is something going on with me. And that day, i decided to do it. I know that it will hurt my feelings again if i found out a negative result. But i could not stop myself from doing it. So i did! There were two lines, IT'S POSITIVE... I AM PREGNANT... My heart is filled with overflowing happiness. I wanted to shout out of joy and gladness. I did the test twice to make sure. I wanted to jump beside my husband to wake him up but he is still sleeping soundly since it was just 6 in the morning. What i did is that i sent him a viber message with the photo of the PT with caption "Happy Father's Day"...

When he checked his phone (as what I've asked him) and when he found out, he was so ecstatic and on a cloud nine. He then hugged and kissed me, blissful indeed. We were in high spirits. I cannot describe the happiness we felt that time. I just want to thank God for this beautiful blessing. I cannot thank Him enough. He is just the great and our good Lord because after all He entrusted and gave me another chance to fulfill my dream to become a Mother. I learned that losing hope is not an option, if you really want things to happen you need to work for it and don't hesitate to talk to God, He will never fails nor ignores you. Never doubt the power of prayer.

I am a proud wife and a soon to be mom.  I just cant wait to see my little one who will call me, Mommy someday! :)

That's the end of the story for now... Until next time. Glad to hear your stories too.. :)